Date: March 2020
Size: 2 x 2.5 x 2.5 ft
Material: Bamboo, twine, plaster

Gravity takes its toll when adding weight. Unpolished, it could be disturbed by a simple knock or push. Holding itself in the moment. Two materials forced into a moulded relationship, to work together, to balance. Too heavy to hold itself without support.


3 responses to “Stasis”

  1. […] Planning, preparing, balancing. Producing transformable structures, under gravity and tension. Small scale weight to determine a future of sculptural installation that encompasses an area. […]

  2. […] between materials and scale, practising, planning. The intricacy of layers in transformable objects. Determining the next […]

  3. […] of plaster support forms of bamboo. Stretching the limits of the relationship between the materials and space. […]

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