Charlotte Abraham is a British multi-media Artist based in Wiltshire, UK.

Awarded Highly Commended at the Royal Birmingham Society of Artists Summer Show for Lines.

Charlotte displays her artwork all over the UK throughout the year.

As a multi-disciplined artist, Charlotte takes you on a journey through a world of Abstract and Realism Portraiture, exploring her own style and techniques.
Charlotte explores and reveals new methods of sensation and perception of the human body. Through a relationship with colour and bold strokes, the aim is to transform flowing lines and delicate curves, into powerful blocks and piercing eyes.

Through the Charlotte Abraham Art YouTube channel, you can explore current artwork, projects and behind the scenes.
For exclusive news, sign up to the monthly newsletters.

For collaborations, exhibitions, artwork enquiries, commissions and questions, send Charlotte an email.
Charlotte is currently open for commissions on realism portraits, pet portraits, and abstract works.