
  • Zoe and Emma

    Zoe and Emma

    Date: August 2023Size: 1 m x 1.5 mMedium: Acrylic Paint Zoe and Emma Continuing the series of abstract artworks, Zoe and Emma bring attitude to the collection. The painting only uses the four colours of turquoise, purple, black and white,…

  • Together


    Date: September 2023Size: 2.4 m x 2.4 mMedium: Masonry paint on wooden board Together This mural was painted as part of Swindon Paint Fest and the largest painting that Charlotte has produced to date. This was a design based on…

  • Falloch


    Date: September 2023Size: A3Medium: Fine liner pen Falloch From the doodles of sketches, this piece came about through the experimentation of size and shape. The overlapping elements of the hexagon and circles break break the optical illusion of the individual…

  • Pieced


    Date: 2021Size: A5Medium: Marker pen Pieced A piece created during Project 365, this piece looked at the conjunction of the layering of shapes. By using opposing colours in each of the elements of the shapes, the eye is constantly busy…

  • Hand Studies

    Hand Studies

    Date: April – August 2023Size: 20 cm x 20 cmMedium: Biro pen on brown paper Hand studies As an artist, it is essential to keep up the studies of the forms that we choose to portray. As this series grows,…

  • Lines


    Date: August 2023Size: A1Medium: Fine liner pen Lines From the doodles of sketchbooks, this large piece came about through the experimentation of size and shape. The overlapping elements of the circle and squares break the optical illusion of each shape.…

  • Snow Eye

    Snow Eye

    Date: 2013Size: A4Medium: Coloured pencil Snow Eye From the research pages of GCSE work.

  • Dragon Eye

    Dragon Eye

    Date: 2013Size: A4Medium: Acrylic paint Dragon Eye From the research pages of GCSE work.

  • Cat Eye

    Cat Eye

    Date: 2013Size: A4Medium: Watercolour paint and coloured pencil Cat Eye From the research pages of GCSE work.

  • Branch of Venn

    Branch of Venn

    Date: 2021Size: A4Medium: Watercolour paint and POSCA Marker pen Branch of Venn A piece created during Project 365, this piece looked at the conjunction of the layering of shapes. By only using colour in the specific parts of the overlapping…