Solo Show, Mam’s Gallery

My first solo show was held at Mam’s Gallery, Swindon and showcased a variety of portraiture-based works from 2013 to 2023. The exhibition was also the first look at a new series of abstract portraits that I have begun this year, with a focus on the bold shapes and colours of the human body.

The exhibition as a whole bought together the studies of abstract art and portraiture through the use of limited pallets, exploration of material, and predetermined shape. Pieces ranging from large scale double portraits, through to the intimacy of hand studies, you are transported through the exploration of the subject.

You were also transported back to the year long project of Project 365, in which my aim was to complete a piece of artwork every day for an entire year. The Configuration series was born out of this project, and highlights the exploration of material throughout the exhibition.

For me, this exhibition was a goal for this year to really push myself out into the art world. Many of the pieces I decided to showcase were older pieces that have a piece of my heart, and artworks that I feel relate to my work now more than some of my more recent works. I was delighted with the response I had throughout the two weeks that my exhibition was at Mam’s Gallery, and it has spurred me on to continue putting both myself and my artwork out into the open.


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